Monday 11 July 2011

My beloved

Dear God, today I'll be sending my beloved parents to KLIA.  I really love them.
They're going to get closer to you.  I hope everything is going according to plan.  I can't live without them.  Please let them go and come back in peace.

Friday 8 July 2011

Lagu Selangor

This is the song that I have to sing in every Monday morning during the assembly.  It was back from 1993 until 2001.  Until I left the country.  I still remember it though.  Here's the lyrics.

Duli yang maha mulia
Selamat di atas takhta
Allah lanjutkan usia tuanku
Rakyat mohon restu
Bawah duli tuanku
Bahagia selama-lamanya
Aman dan sentosa
Duli yang maha mulia

Tadaa. That's all.  C ya.

Thank god

Alhamdulillah.  Praise the lord above.  All of the works that I've done for the last 2 years has come to an end.  Thanks to everyone who has been supporting me along the way.   I will always remember all the memories that we shared together.  Another chapter of our life now has just begin.  I hope you guys will successful in whatever that you're doing.

Thursday 7 July 2011


Just came back after my sortie.  Looks like I am not trying real hard enough.  I was so damn slow.  I got to do something about it.  Tomorrow is the 2nd phase of it.  Hope I am not showing such an action again.  I got to be strong.  Believe in myself. If they can do it, why can't I.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Black eyes

A guy came to work on Monday with 2 black eyes.  His boss came to him and asked him what happened to his eyes.  Then the guy said "I went to church yesterday, when everyone is stand up to sing, the lady in front of me got her dress stuck between her ass.  So, I helped the lady by pulling the dress out of her ass.  Then the lady turn back and give me a punch."
     Then the boss asked him what happened to the other eyes.  And the guy said "I figured out that the lady doesn't like the dress to be in that way, so I put it back between her ass"

On the verge

Today is the day that I am about to close my book in pursuing for Commercial Pilot License.  I am planned to go to Ipoh and do the test between here and there.   Hopefully everything goes according to plan.  I am not a skilled pilot but I would try my best to be one.  Wish me luck.  I hope you guys can also get whatever that you're trying to achieve.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

hari jumaat

assalamualaikum. hi

aku rasa aku nk tulis post kali ini dalam bahasa melayu la pulak..  ini lah post aku yg pertama dlm bahasa melayu.. yea2.. okeh.. let's get back to the story.. omputih la pulak.. campo la senang..

okeh..  camni.. last friday, aku pi solat jumaat kat masjid.. aku solat kat masjid dkt roundabout dkt dgn airport tu.. aku pi dgn arip.. penting ke..

camni la.. biar aku cepatkan cerita.. ini pasal khutbah jumaat hari tu.. aku rasa nk share la benda ni.. khatib yg membaca khutbah itu berkata bahawa.. aku tak ingat la sebijik-sebijik ape yang dia kata..
tapi lebih kurang mcm ni la..

islam ni.. kita tak boleh nak senang-senang je sumpah sana sini.. kalau semua orang lepas buat salah je terus bersumpah.. hakim boleh letak jawatan la.. pastu lawyer pulak tak payah la naik turun court.. lawyer punye keje tinggal nak sign tanah je la.. dia bagi contoh.. kalau ..

aku tak ingat la pulak contoh dia.. tapi lebih kurang camtu la cerita dia..  dah la.. aku tak mau la kupas banyak2 pasal ni.. nanti melalut pulak..

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Keng Som

it's not even a month since i left kota bharu. 
now i'm missing keng som..
ayam lemon, siakap stim masak keng som, kerabu mangga.
ahh.. i wanna finish this course and get back to kb..

Wednesday 13 April 2011

lagu kelantan

yesterday is the day that i left kelantan..  after i packed up all of my stuff, i found out a note.. the note is about lagu negeri kelantan.. i used it during my induction orientation here.. I can't bring this note together with me coz it will make my bag heavier.. so, i made a decision to keep this song in my blog.. hope you guys don't mind..
here's the song..
Lanjutkan usia al-sultan kami
Sultan Kelantan raja ikrami
Aman sentosa tuhan sirami
kekal memerintah kami
kasih dan taat setia disembahkan
keriangan diucapkan
segala kebesaran Allah cucurkan
bertambah kemuliaan.
all right. catch up later.

Saturday 9 April 2011



hey.. i'm on blog.. what's up.. haha.. can't believe it.. am i dreaming.. huh.. why did i write a blog.. looks like i really have a lot of time huh.. aahh.. gosh.. am i the only person that have a lot of time.. i mean sitting in front of laptop for hours.. even if there is a job(s) waiting to be done.. hope that i'm not alone in this.. um.. what should i say huh.. yeah.. i love outdoor activities.. i think i should go out now.. for a fresh air maybe.. and also for lunch.. how come i forget my lunch.. u guys should take off from your seat too.. coz you know what.. i think that laptop is one kind of drug.. haha.. jk..